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書 名:I am Cleopatraby Grace Norwich ; illustrated by Elisabeth Alba.西文圖書
作 者:Norwich, Grace.
合著作者:Alba, Elisabeth.
出 版 項:New York :Scholastic Inc.,2014.
稽 核 項:128 p. :ill., map ;20 cm.
I S B N:9780545587532 (Pbk) :(NTD252)
I S B N:0545587530 (Pbk)
附 註 項:Includes bibliographical references (p. 125) and index.
附 註 項:Portrait of the ancient world -- A princess is born -- Power struggles -- Cleopatra's rocky early reign -- Cleopatra's gamble -- Cleopatra charms Caesar -- The betrayal of Caesar -- Cleopatra meets Mark Antony -- Battle lines are drawn -- The last Pharaoh of Egypt -- 10 things you should know about Cleopatra -- 10 more things that are pretty cool to know.
摘要、提要註:As the last pharaoh of ancient Egypt, I ruled alone without the help of my husband. I was a powerful and courageous leader, and I passionately loved my people. Much has been written of my beauty, but I was also known for my composure, wit, and strength. I was a queen who was worshipped as a god. I am Cleopatra.
目標讀者註:Lexile 1030.
標 題 項:Cleopatra,Queen of Egypt,-30 B.C.
標 題 項:Queens--Egypt
標 題 項:Egypt--History--332-30 B.C.
書名 I am Cleopatra
作者 Norwich, Grace.
出版項 Scholastic Inc.,
分類號 932.021092
ISBN 9780545587532 (Pbk) :

I am Cleopatraby Grace Norwich ; illustrated by Elisabeth Alba..--New York :.--Scholastic Inc.,.--2014. (1066617)
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況
德光中學圖書館/英文檢測書區 E001016 E 932.021092/N67 2014 在館中