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書 名:The journal of Otto Peltonen, a Finnish immigrantby William Durbin.西文圖書
作 者:Durbin, William,1951-
版 本:1st ed.
出 版 項:New York :Scholastic,2000.
稽 核 項:171 p. :ill., maps ;20 cm.
叢 書 項:My name is America
叢 書 項:A Dear America book
I S B N:0439621755 (Pbk)
I S B N:9780439621755 (Pbk) :(NTD334)
附 註 項:'Otto Peltonen is a fictional character created by the author and his journal and its epilogue are works of fiction'
附 註 項:'Hibbing, Minnesota, 1905'
摘要、提要註:In 1905 fifteen-year-old Otto describes in his journal how he travels from Finland to America, joining his father in a dreary iron mining community in Minnesota and becoming involved in a union fight for better working conditions.
目標讀者註:Lexile 1010.
標 題 項:Emigration and immigration
標 題 項:Finnish Americans
標 題 項:Iron mines and mining
標 題 項:Strikes and lockouts
標 題 項:Diaries
標 題 項:Minnesota
書名 The journal of Otto Peltonen, a Finnish immigrant
作者 Durbin, William,
出版項 Scholastic,
分類號 932
ISBN 0439621755 (Pbk)

The journal of Otto Peltonen, a Finnish immigrantby William Durbin..--1st ed..--New York :.--Scholastic,.--2000. (1066571)
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況
德光中學圖書館/英文圖書區 E001020 E 932/D87 2000 在館中