• 中華民國 114 年 03 月 14 日 星期五
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序號圖片書目資訊 (正題名[資料類型標示]=並列題名:副題名/作者.--版本;出版地:出版者)
1 Little women /Louisa May Alcott.--New York :.--Scholastic,.--2000
2 Little women /Louisa May Alcott.--Mineola, NY :.--Dover Publications,.--2000
3 Invincible Louisa :the story of the author of Little women /by Cornelia Meigs.--Boston, MA :.--Little,.--1968
4 Little women /Louisa May Alcott.--West Sussex :Helbling Languages,2014
5 Little women /Winnie Huang.--[Taipei] :Cosmos Culture,2009
6 Little women /Louisa May Alcott.--London :Scholastic,2010
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