• 中華民國 113 年 12 月 08 日 星期日
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書 名:No dogs allowed! /Bill Wallace 希文圖書
作 者:Wallace, Bill,1947-
版 本:1st Aladdin Paperbacks ed
出 版 項:New York :Aladdin Paperbacks,2005, c2004
稽 核 項:214 p. ;20 cm
I S B N:141690381X (pbk.) :($4.99 )
I S B N:9781416903819 (pbk.)
摘要、提要註:Twelve-year-old Kristina, still struggling to come to terms with the death of her beloved horse, finds itdifficult to accept the new dog she receives for herbirthday. After losing Dandy, her family's beloved horse,Kristine decides that she will never get close to anotherpet again-it's just too heartbreaking. So when her fathersurprises her with a new puppy for her birthday, Kristineis furious! With a new sister on the way, who needs awriggling, messy, noisy, yellow ball of fur to look after!But how can an animal-loving girl resist the sweet browneyes of a puppy who just wants to be loved? In BillWallace's latest novel, a girl learns to love, to lose,and to take a chance and open her heart again
標 題 項:Dogs
標 題 項:Grief
標 題 項:Pets
標 題 項:Death
標 題 項:Friendship
標 題 項:Family life
國會分類:PZ7.W15473No 2004
書名 No dogs allowed! /
作者 Wallace, Bill,
出版項 Aladdin Paperbacks,
標題項 Dogs;Grief;Pets;Death;Friendship;Family life
分類號 813.54
ISBN 141690381X

No dogs allowed! /Bill Wallace .--1st Aladdin Paperbacks ed .--New York :.--Aladdin Paperbacks,.--2005, c2004 (1077911)
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況
德光中學圖書館/英文檢測書區 070163 E 813.54/8 在館中
Sounder /by William Armstrong ; illustrations by James Barkley
Sounder /by William Armstrong ; illustrations by James Barkley